Community Outreach Program
The Community Outreach Programs in Sheridan, Wyoming and the Black Hills of South Dakota are a lifeline for our neighbors struggling with homelessness. VOA is committed to extending a hand up to those in need through homeless prevention, rapid rehousing, and emergency shelter (as funding allows).
Need Help?
The Community Outreach Program focuses on housing-first, case management-driven solutions. Through homeless prevention, rapid rehousing, and emergency shelter (as funding allows), our staff provide individualized service coordination to find creative, collaborative solutions using available resources to combat homelessness.
The programs of VOA are community-based programs reliant upon the community to aid in rebuilding the lives of our neighbors. The program depends on the generosity of individuals, local churches, businesses, foundations, and state and federal funding.
If you or someone in your immediate household is a Veteran please look at our Veteran Services page, as there are more services available, including assistance in all of Montana, Wyoming, and Western South Dakota.
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