Welcome to MyVOA

Your healthcare. Anytime. Anywhere.

VOA Northern Rockies’ new MyVOA web app makes managing your healthcare simple. Request appointments, track existing appointments, check records, make payments and find educational materials — all at your finger tips.

Talk to the Front Desk at your next appointment to begin enrollment

How do I set up notifications for alerts and reminders?

  • Alerts and reminders are set up at the system level, but patients can decide how they receive the notifications by going to the Profile tab and changing their Notification Type at the bottom of the page and save it.
    • Note: If patient is selecting Text Message, they need to verify that they have a number in the Cell Phone field and confirm it is correct

What do I do if I accidentally hide material on the Education tab?

  • There is a button in the bottom left corner when on the Education tab that you can select. You should then see an option “See Books I Have Hidden”. Select that option and you should be able to see all hidden materials. You also have the option to unhide them.

How do I get back to the home page after selecting a tile?

  • When in all tiles, there should be a button in the top left corner of the page. Selecting this will open a sidebar and allow you to select the home option.
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