Meet Kevin Jones


The most rewarding part of being a constituent minister with Volunteers of America is “Having the opportunity to engage with real people about real issues in their spiritual lives and hopefully pointing us both back to Jesus in a way that uplifts and encourages us both,” says Kevin, a volunteer constituent member since 2019. “My understanding of discipleship is that it involves, at the most basic level, sharing life together and asking one another, ‘Where is Jesus in the midst of this?  Where do you find hope in the midst of your circumstances?’  It is never a one-way street. I often find myself being challenged in ways I could never have imagined from the relationships which have been developed through this program.”

Kevin came to our ministry to share messages of hope through chapel services on the Sheridan Campus. He soon found his way into the Faith Coach Program, which provides 1-on-1 spiritual care to patients in the Christian Enhancement Program.

Faith Coaches are people who understand the needs of those who are broken yet depend on Christ for guidance in their own lives. Faith Coaches model Christian faith and practice spiritual disciplines including worship, study of scripture and prayer on a consistent basis. Above all, they offer Christ’s love and encouragement in weekly meetings with patients. In Kevin’s experience, these times of being present, listening and praying are some of the greatest ways we can support a person’s recovery journey.

Kevin has a passion for seeing others grow in their trust relationship with God the Father and loves to study, teach, and share about Christ. Part of his service with VOA has been to educate and encourage those who come alongside those in need. He has provided several trainings to teach VOA staff, ministers, and ministry volunteers practical ways of offering soul care.  

As Kevin has worked with VOA, local pastors and Nick Angeloff, our Senior Director of Ministry, deeper friendships have developed as well. Kevin has hosted fellowship opportunities for pastors and faith leaders who share the Ministry Vision of “seeing broken people physically, emotionally and spiritually healed, thriving in their faith community as beloved citizens in Christ’s Kingdom.” Constituent membership means more than gaining ministry knowledge and experience; it means developing meaningful relationships that make the work feel lighter.

Ultimately, constituent membership with the Volunteers of America ministry means making a difference. “More often than not, change comes through meaningful interactions with others that challenge, uplift, and encourage us to see the transforming work God is doing in all of our lives.” says Kevin. “VOA’s mentoring program provides the opportunity to build a relationship with someone who is hungry to see his or her life changed. The Gospel has the unique power to bring this change. VOA pairs the power of the gospel with the need in our communities and as a result is bringing change throughout this region of the country. It’s  a privilege to share in the work here that is making such a powerful impact in people’s lives.”

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